
To-do list before your employee starts

Now that you’ve found your new employee and they’ve signed on, you need to ensure you’re prepared for their start.

Taking a few simple steps will ease their transition and get them working for you more quickly. Complete all the pre-start paperwork

Before your new employee starts work, it’s essential to provide them with an employment agreement. This agreement should include a timeframe for them to confirm their acceptance. You can accomplish this by sending a formal job offer letter along with the employment agreement. If your workplace operates under a collective agreement, different requirements may apply.

Employment agreements — Employment New Zealand

You must also ensure that:

  • You have received back a signed employment agreement from the new employee.
  • You have verified their entitlement to work in New Zealand, for example, by using the VisaView tool.
  • If this is your first time employing someone, you have registered as an employer with Inland Revenue.

VisaView: Check if someone can work in NZ — Immigration New Zealand

How to register as an employer — Inland Revenue

Additionally, you should:

  • Inform your existing staff about the new employee who will be starting.
  • Allocate time to introduce the new employee to the team and the workplace.
  • Prepare an induction process that covers all the necessary information they need to know.
  • Schedule any required training sessions, such as how to assess risks in the workplace.

Your employee’s first day or week

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